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The Church Revitalization Podcast

Nov 24, 2020

Covid restrictions don't have to mean your church can't reach more people this Christmas. This episode provides three practical outreach ideas churches of any size can implement quickly and on a budget.

Read the show notes at

Nov 18, 2020

Empowerment is about authority. Authority is decision-making power. The heart of empowerment is the transfer of decision-making control over an area of ministry.

No amount of leadership development--classroom training, reading, practicing, or mentoring--can produce a leader without ultimately handing off ministry to...

Nov 11, 2020

In the first few minutes of nearly every meeting with a new church contact, we’ll inevitably hear their current attendance and their pre-covid attendance. I don’t say that to give anyone a hard time, but instead to set up this week’s topic on developing future-proof church metrics.

You may think it’s premature,...

Nov 4, 2020

Legislation, with the best of intentions, might change a person's behavior, but it will never change the condition of their heart.

As our over-dramatized political divides get continuously pumped into our news feeds, we can all benefit from a reset of perspective.

In this week's podcast episode, we're talking about the...