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The Church Revitalization Podcast

Aug 31, 2022

Church doesn’t need to be complicated, but sometimes it ends up that way. Having a few primary ministries that are well thought out and intentional can be much more successful than a large menu of options.

We refer to the ministries beyond what are primary as secondary ministries. It’s in the secondary ministry...

Aug 24, 2022

No two churches are the same any more than there are any two people who are the same. The Body of Christ is diverse, and God is sovereign over all things and His will is done in His timing and through those of His choosing.

Still, humans are human and do human things. And with that fact, we find common themes in church...

Aug 17, 2022

Every leader has to make decisions, and good decisions are made from good information. The helpful things every pastor should know every week, we call the pastor’s “dashboard.”

So what should be on your dashboard? This week on the Church Revitalization
Podcast, we will tell you some of the best things to include...

Aug 10, 2022

Millennials are the most religiously unaffiliated generation in American history. But they’re not atheists or agnostics. A study by Barna Group found that 74% of Millennials believe God exists, and almost half say they pray daily-yet many young adults don’t identify with a specific denomination or church.

Why are...

Aug 3, 2022

Throughout the country, churches of all sizes and denominations experience a bump in fall church attendance. Congregations benefit from people wanting to get back into the rhythm of “normal” life after the summer and to establish good habits for a new season.

However, this isn’t just a chance to hop back into the...