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The Church Revitalization Podcast

Jan 18, 2023

Honesty is always the best policy.

In this episode of The Church Revitalization Podcast, we’re not really accusing any church of actively lying. We certainly understand the motivations behind this list of things churches tell themselves. We try to make things sound better than they really are. That doesn’t help...

Jan 11, 2023

More churches articulate a vision than reach one. In fact, the number of churches that actually make progress toward their goals is small. It’s easy to get overwhelmed by obstacles to change, the tyranny of the urgent, and other roadblocks to actualizing your God-given vision. But you shouldn’t give up!


Jan 4, 2023

We are starting off the new year with a recap of the top 5 topics we covered last year on the podcast. What would you add to this list of top topics?

Download the free pdf, Top 10 of 2022: