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The Church Revitalization Podcast

Jun 23, 2020

In this week's episode, hosts Scott Ball and A.J. Mathieu share three insights into leading well during the transition back to in-person services. 

Read this episode's show notes at

Jun 15, 2020

In this episode, we talked with Greg Atkinson about how we can continue to engage with our congregations online even as some of our churches have begun meeting in-person again. Greg gives practical, actionable advice for churches to manage the balance in-person and online ministry.

Greg is the founder of the 

Jun 10, 2020

The current racial tension in America is an opportunity for pastors to learn, lean-in, and lead well.

Since the release of the George Floyd video, our team has been focused on trying to listen. Particularly, we want to listen to church leaders of color that we know and respect. Secondly, we wanted to hear from white...